Thursday, July 31, 2008

Money Saving IDEAS!

Shake your printer cartridge for maximum value

As you probably know, Clark hates to waste things. He had been using the same pair of headphones in the studio since the '90s. Even though they were old and ratty, he used them until the end of their life. Now he has a new pair, so don't be surprised if he's able to hear you callers a little bit better! Likewise, he holds onto clothes long after they should be thrown away or given to charity. In fact, his wife has to periodically purge their closet and make the old threads "disappear."

Clark read a report about how manufacturers of the cartridges we all use in our printers give you a notice that your cartridge in empty when nearly 60 percent of the ink is still left. If you throw it out at that point, more than half the ink you pay for goes unused! So when your computer tells you to replace the cartridge, instead just pull it out and shake it. You'll probably get several weeks more use out of it. After all, manufacturers have a clear financial incentive to shortchange you and make you buy more of their product. What you pay to print per page skyrockets if you throw that cartridge out or recycle it too early. Multi-ink cartridges are the worst because they have individual ink banks for up to three or four colors. Any one of them can run out before the others do. Another way to save money on ink cartridges is to get them refilled. Manufacturers hate it when you do this. Studies haven't yet shown decisively if the refilled ink is good quality or not. So just shake it up, baby! Samsung is one of the few companies that makes printers with a toner saver button that can reduce the amount of ink you use per page by 40 percent. Over time, that becomes a great savings.

Taken from:

My Thoughts:
I believe lots of money can be saved if we take the time to explore great web sites that give us the advantage of some one else's experience in free things and ideas that can help us to do so. Saving money on printer ink is one of those expenses we can reduce. Clark Howard has a radio talk show and we have often listened to him. Another suggestion that he gave was how to protect your Identity. Instead of paying for a service such a "Life Lock," which he says is good, he recommends that we put a "freeze" on our accounts. Go to his website to get the additional info for freezing your accounts for your particular state. I believe he said that to put a "freeze" on your account is free.

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