Saturday, August 23, 2008

Stories with VALUES: A Big Fat Enormous Lie

Author: Marjorie Weinman Sharmat

A child's simple lie grows to enormous proportions.

My Thoughts:
I believe that no matter how simple things may seem, it is usually through the simple things that often make the biggest difference in our lives. So to teach our children the importance of integrity, no matter the simplicity is a good thing in my opinion.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

MARRIAGE: Perform acts of Kindness

If every husband and every wife would constantly do whatever might be possible to ensure the comfort and happiness of his or her companion, there would be very little, if any, divorce. Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley

Practice Activity:
Each spouse makes a list of 10 or more things that they would like their spouse to do more often. The requests should be specific (Ask me how my day went) rather than general requests (Be more interested in me). The requests should be core issues in a major conflict. Requests should be simple and inexpensive.

Consider asking for acts of kindness such as compliments, love notes, telephone calls, and so forth.

Other requests could include doing the laundry or some other household task, holding hands, cuddling on the couch, listening, etc.

Do 3 of the things on your spouse's wish list each day, even if your spouse forgets to do likewise.

Even though this is a planned exercise, it can help enhance the marriage relationship, particularly as you do the activity as a genuine expression of love, appreciation and devotion.

My Thoughts:
My husband and I have done this and we were faithful about doing so. It was decided before we even began, that we would remind each other of doing 3 things on the list until we got into the habit of it. It was such a wonderful thing, to feel important and know that he loved me enough to do what I felt was needed by myself. It helped to draw us closer together, of that I do know.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Food for thought: What we do

CLICK to enlarge and read. I scrapbooked this page.

My Thoughts:
We cannot judge another for we only see what is on the outside of someone and there is no way that we can know what is in a person's heart. The Lord sees and knows what is IN the heart of a person and He can only be the true judge of someone. For me it is truly nice to realize that in end I will be judged by a perfect person and that is Jesus Christ. I really like this quote. I don't know who wrote it.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Irena Sendler vs Al Gore

My Thoughts:
This is truly an amazing story and effort put forth by a woman who cared about humanity. Love God and Love mankind, the 2 great Commandments, was truly shown and demonstrated by her in what she DID, NOT what she said. This touches the heart and is a good reminder of how we need to care more for each other in this life.

Monday, August 4, 2008


CLICK on images to view larger

These pages that I scrapbooked explain the meaning of the Sunflower along with my thoughts about it and its potential significance in our lives.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Enjoy Some BEAUTIFUL music today!

Sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir--"Climb Every Mountain."

Mormon Tabernacle Choir: Battle Hymn of the Republic

My Thoughts:
I love the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, I love piano music and Church hymns. I love music that stirs the soul and touches the heart which all of these do for me.

I love this rendition of the Battle Hymn of the Republic as sung by the Choir. It rekindles the patriotism that I have for my own Country. It stirs me to tears and reminds me of just how many lives have been lost to preserve what I so enjoy today in this great country of mine, THE USA!

Having music that is uplifting and good and that stirs the soul can help us to be better in so many ways. It certainly can start the day out right by putting into our hearts and minds things that uplift. A joy and a happiness can truly be felt and be with us throughout the day from such music. I believe an increase in kindness towards others can be an added bonus from such music.