Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The TOUCH of the MASTER'S Hand

My Thoughts:
There are times I feel whole and other times I feel weak and sick. Sometimes the trials of life can be so overwhelming you feel there is no way out. You feel that it will always be this way. Our upbringing, our belief system, the influences of society all play a huge role in our lives in how we accept ourselves, and how we deal with tragedy and other hardships that we all face from time to time.

This post is for those who feel there is no hope nor anyway out of our suffering, pain, or grief in one form or another. The MASTER, our Savior Jesus Christ, descended below all things and by doing so knows EXACTLY how to help us during such times. To help you understand what I mean here, it is like, if I have suffered the loss of a husband, or been through a divorce, or was in a serious accident of some sort, I know personally just how one would feel and therefore I am in a position to help, comfort and care for people who are going through such things. Well that is how the Savior's experiences in Gethsemane in suffering the pain, grief and agony of our sins, he knows exactly what we are going through, for He has gone through them Himself.

The message of the Touch of the Master's Hand is such a marvelous message. You can receive hope that there IS someone who cares and knows exactly how to help us. Yoke with the Savior, invite Him into your life and heart, have meaningful, heartfelt prayers and move your feet in a direction that you feel will help and as you move your feet forward to help yourself, you will then feel and know of your Savior's love and care for you and He will make up the difference in enabling your to handle the situation you are in.

I personally know this to be true, not just for now, but for my entire life. I have had so many experiences in life where His hand has touched my life, thus giving me new life and hope in the many trials I have had.

Go to:, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" home page. There is also a link there for Jesus Christ at:
These web sites can be a source of comfort and strength to you personally.

Here is a quote from Elder Wirthlin, an Apostle in our Church,
and he said:

"No grief is so great, no pain so profound,
no burden so unbearable

that it is beyond His healing touch."

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Standing Strong and Immovable!

Be strong and immovable like this rock

My Thoughts:
I was reading today and I saw a similar picture to the one I have posted here. I had been reading on being strong and immovable. I looked at the picture and thought about how a rock in an ocean storm seems to be so strong and immovable and sometimes even after the worst of storms, when the seas have calmed, the rock still remains in its place.

I was so impressed with the picture and the thought that I pondered within myself and asked the question, "am I strong and immovable in my belief system? in my relationships? in keeping the commandments of God? and in a host of other things?"

Being grounded, rooted, and settled truly provides an anchor to my life and when we have a belief system that supports us, our trials and adversities in our lives are not so hard to handle when we are anchored to that belief system. We are not swayed quite so easily.

Sometimes the hard waves of life barely touch me, other times it goes in a bit deeper and I am affected and still at other times I feel overwhelmed and consumed by these waves of life. The anchor in my life to help sustain me is knowing there is a God and that He hears and answers my prayers. I have had too many experiences in life to ever deny that fact and truth. It supports me through everything no matter how big or small the storms may be.

May I suggest that you take the time to think and ponder upon what anchors your life. Maybe from that, you will determine why you can or cannot handle the storms that come in your life or why you may be swayed so easily and fall so quickly or just the opposite, not be swayed and are able to rise up to meet the challenge(s).

May I also suggest that for those of you who may not be anchored, to search and seek the beliefs of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" and find God. The Church's web site is That is where my belief system came from and sustains me to this day.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Additional New Blog for me!

I have created a new blog for my scrapbook pages that I have made digitally. If you want to view that blog, which is a slide show of what I have created please go to this blog address:

Also here is the other one that I also have:
This one is about my beliefs as member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Happy New Year's! & Florence Chadwick

Florence Chadwick

My Thoughts:
Although this is an early Happy New Years, I want to wish everyone a happy and prosperous one. When we think of a Happy New Years it usually means we are happy to welcome in the new year, along with setting goals.

Setting goals has not been one of my favorite things to do. I never feel like I will accomplish them, so I would rather not do them at all. I do make daily small goals and that seems manageable to me and that is usually the best I can do.

Setting goals for some can be a very hard thing and often when the year is over, we find we didn't accomplish it after all. For others that probably is not the case and they possibly thrive with setting goals. I just don't happen to be one of them.

I will share with you a story about Florence Chadwick. When I first read this story, I realized that to accomplish any goal in life I need to keep my eye on the ball, so to speak. Her story sparked me forward with a renewed desire to actually set goals, even long term ones, and to actually accomplish them. Sometimes a story or some little phrase someone might say, may make all the difference in the world. Such was the case for me with Florence Chadwick. I love biography's of people's lives because I learn so much from them, and even though it is a small synopsis of her life, I have learned a great deal. Here is her story:

"Keep your goals in sight"
When she looked ahead, Florence Chadwick saw nothing but a solid wall of fog. Her body was numb. She had been swimming for nearly sixteen hours.
Already she was the first woman to swim the English Channel in both directions. Now, at age 34, her goal was to become the first woman to swim from Catalina Island to the California coast.

On the 4th of July morning in 1952, the sea was like an ice bath and the fog was so dense she could hardly see her support boats. Sharks cruised toward her lone figure, only to be driven away by rifle shots. Against the frigid grip of the sea, she struggled on--hour after hour--while millions watched on national television.

Alongside Florence in one of the boats, her mother and her trainer offered encouragement. They told her it wasn't much farther. But all she could see was fog. They urged her not to quit. She never had--until then. With only a half mile to go, she asked to be pulled out.

Still thawing her chilled body several hours later, she told a reporter, "Look, I'm not excusing myself, but if I could have seen land I might have made it." It was not fatigue or even the cold water that defeated her. It was the fog.
She was unable to see her goal.

Two month later, she tried again. This time, despite the same dense fog, she swam with her faith intact and her goal clearly pictured in her mind. She knew that somewhere behind that fog was land and this time she made it! Florence Chadwick became the first woman to swim the Catalina Channel, eclipsing the men's record by two hours!

Author Unknown
A 2nd Helping of Chicken Soup for the Soul

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Snack Food Ideas

Here are a few tips to plan your own snack buffet. When you have time, take out a piece of paper and start writing down some possibilities. Write down any recipes that come to mind as you read the following:

  • Trays of things to dip are always popular. I like to put out a veggie platter with ranch dip and an assortment of crackers with my popular recipe "clam dip."

  • A tray of sandwich makings. I load a tray with deli meats and cheeses, and other sandwich makings such as onion, tomato, pickles, mayonnaise, and mustard. You might try a tray of club sandwich makings or Reuben sandwich makings. You can also experiment with different breads, such as party rye or sourdough.

  • Cookies and Candies. Each year, I make two or three of our family's favorite recipes which are included below. What are your family's favorite cookie and candy recipes?

  • Beverages. The Irish Cream recipe below served over ice is wonderful, special treat. We also buy pop and beer and this seems to make everyone happy. You might have a favorite punch, eggnog or hot buttered rum recipe you'd like to serve.

  • Crunchy things. I always have the Chex mix out.

Don't forget that you can have family members or other guests contribute! This will give you more variety and less work! Just tell them to bring a snack type item.

NOTE: This post was taken from Dollar Stretcher. Web address is:

The Reason for the Season--Our Savior Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ, the Light and Life of the World. All good comes from Him who descended below all things. Because of Him, I can look to Him to help me in my own trials and adversities of my own life, for He suffered all things thus enabling Him to truly be able to help me. I love Him with all my heart and so love the Christmas Season which brings to mind for me, all that He has done for me and for mankind by coming to earth.